Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't get Spooked by Chocolate!

Watch out where you put the Halloween Candy Stash!

(from the Veterinary Information Network)

Chocolate may be America’s favorite flavor. We like chocolate candy, ice cream, chocolate drinks, chocolate cakes, just about anything with chocolate. [Chocolate milkshakes from Diablo Burger are a personal favorite]. We may want to share our favorite treat with an eager pet but it is best to think twice and reach for the dog biscuits instead.

Everyone who has ever eaten candy knows there are many types of chocolate. Let’s go back to how chocolate is made. Cacao trees are farmed as any other crop, though they grow in tropical regions. The fruit of the cacao tree (called a cacao pod) is sweet and attracts monkeys or other wildlife who eat the fruit but not the bitter seeds. The seeds are discarded in the natural setting, thus allowing new trees to grow.
The seeds cannot be released from the fruit unless some type of animal actually breaks the fruit open. Ironically, it is the bitter seeds, packed with theobromine and caffeine, which are used to make chocolate. The pods grow directly off the trunk of the cacao tree and must be harvested by hand so as not to damage the tree. The pods are split, and the seeds are scooped out and left to ferment under banana leaves for about a week. This turns the cacao seeds a rich brown and creates the chocolate flavor we crave. The seeds are then dried out for another week, packed in sacks, and shipped to chocolate manufacturers.
The seeds must be roasted, ground, pressed (which removes the oil of the seed, the “cocoa butter” that is used in sunscreens, white chocolate, and cosmetics, among other things), and tempered to create the exact consistency.

Chocolate liquor is the liquid that results from grinding the hulled cacao beans.Cocoa butter is the fat that is extracted from the chocolate liquor.Cocoa powder is the solid that remains after the cocoa butter is removed from the chocolate liquor. The powder can be treated with alkali in a process called “Dutching” or it can be left alone. Note the low-fat nature of cocoa powder, hence its use in low-fat baking.Unsweetened chocolate is chocolate liquor that is 50% to 60% cocoa butterSemisweet chocolate is chocolate that is 35% chocolate liquor (the rest being sugar, vanilla, or lecithin).Milk chocolate is chocolate that is at least 10% chocolate liquor, the rest being milk solids, vanilla or lecithin.

Why Is Chocolate Bad?
Sometimes we eat chocolate plain. Sometimes we eat it baked into cakes, mixed into ice cream, etc. The first problem with these sweets is the fat. A sudden high fat meal (such as demolishing a bag of chocolate bars left accessible at Halloween time) can create a lethal metabolic disease in pets called pancreatitis. Vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are just the beginning of this disaster. Remember, in the case of pancreatitis, it is the fat that causes the problem more than the chocolate itself.
The fat and sugar in the chocolate can create an unpleasant but temporary upset stomach. This is what happens in most chocolate ingestion cases.

Chocolate is, however, directly toxic because of the theobromine. The more chocolate liquor there is in a product, the more theobromine is present. This makes baking chocolate the worst for pets, followed by semisweet and dark chocolate, followed by milk chocolate, followed by chocolate flavored cakes or cookies.

Theobromine causes:
Vomiting Diarrhea Hyperactivity Tremors Seizures Racing heart rhythm progressing to abnormal rhythms. It can cause death in severe cases.

Toxic doses of theobromine are 9 mg per pound of dog for mild signs, up to 18 mg per pound of dog for severe signs. Milk chocolate contains 44 mg / ounce of theobromine while semisweet chocolate contains 150 mg per ounce, and baking chocolate contains 390 mg per ounce.
It takes nearly 4 days for the effects of chocolate to work its way out of a dog’s system.

If the chocolate was only just eaten, it is possible to induce vomiting; otherwise, hospitalization and support are needed until the chocolate has worked its way out of the system.

[If you are having a hard time finding a place to store your chocolate treats, we can find a safe place at Kaibab that your pet can't possibly get into.]

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Porcupine-Gentle vegetarian?

Yes, but they won't appear so gentle when your dog's face/ neck/ thorax/ bum gets harpooned with ten to a thousand of them. We have had five dogs come in this week with their muzzles and mouths full of these black and cream spikes. All I can say is ouch.

Porcupines have 15,000 to 30,000 quills. These quills are modified hairs with hollow centers that are loosely secured within the skin. Like other hairs, these quills can be shed and regrown throughout life. Muscles attached to the quill base will pull the quills upright when the animal is frightened. The quills must be touched to be released; they cannot be "thrown" by the animal. When threatened, porcupines may use their tails to slap the attacker, releasing the quills into the assailant's muzzle, legs, and other regions of the body. The quills' needle-sharp tips easily penetrate animal skin, and microscopic barb-like projections on their tips prevent easy removal and encourage migration deeper into the tissues.

Attempting to remove the spikes with sedation usually fails. Victims are usually very painful and don't stand still while the barbs are tearing through their skin a second time. Not to mention that they often end up in dog's mouths which instintively SNAP shut when pain is inflicted on their delicate mucus membranes.

If your dogs encounters a porcupine, get them to a vet who can sedate tham, remove the quills, put them on antibiotics, and give them something for the discomfort.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Allergies Take Two!

ALTLANDSBERG, GERMANY - AUGUST 16: Sunflowers are in full bloom on a sunny day on August 16, 2010 in Altlandsberg near Berlin, Germany. After a period with storm and rain temperatures are forecast to reach sunny 20 degrees Celsius. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)
There have been numerous dogs and cats that have come in to the clinic in the past week with skin and ears as red a tomatoes. When I ask myself, what could possibly be blooming outside to cause this sudden boom in atopy induced itching and skin infection, all I have to do is glance out the window to find the answer. The recent monsoons have caused a sunflower frenzy. The air is at max allergen capacity right now.

Here are some helpful tips to help your furry companions that are being penalized for stopping to smell the flowers.

Itch Relief

The Itching Pet: Alternatives to Steroids

Excessive licking, chewing, and scratching can make a pet’s life miserable for month after month, even year after year. For rapid relief of itch and inflammation, nothing matches the corticosteroid hormones such as cortisone, hydrocortisone, and others. There are some animals that seem unable to live with any degree of comfort without these medications. Unfortunately, these hormones have widespread and potentially dangerous actions throughout the body when they are used for inappropriately long periods and it is generally desirable to minimize the use of these hormones when possible to do so. Ideally, corticosteroids are used for a few really tough itch weeks and other forms of itch management are used for general itch maintenance.

This is, of course, easier to write about than to actually do. When one's pet is scratching and chewing raw spots on his or her skin, practical advice is called for. The following list includes assorted non-steroidal methods for relieving itch and reducing the amount of corticosteroid hormones needed.

Oral Medications

Antihistamine Trials
Histamine, a biological chemical, is the chief mediator of inflammation in humans hence the proliferation of antihistamines available for people both by prescription and over the counter. Histamine is not the major mediator of inflammation in the dog, thus these medications are not as reliable for dogs as they are for us.

Antihistamines provide relief to approximately 40% of dogs who try it. While the chance that an individual antihistamine will be helpful is small (about 15%), trying several antihistamines greatly increases the chance of finding one that works.

Antihistamines are not free of side effects; they are notorious for drowsiness in some individuals. Still, this is vastly preferable to the systemic disruption caused by the corticosteroid group.

In cats, antihistamines are substantially more reliable than in dogs so that the chances of a given antihistamine working are usually pretty good. For both cats and dogs, using antihistamines together with a corticosteroid hormone will decrease the amount of corticosteroid hormone needed to control the itching (i.e., less hormone is needed to get the job done if it is given with an antihistamine).

Fatty Acid Supplementation
The discovery of anti-inflammatory properties of evening primrose oils and fish oils in humans has led to similar products on the market for our pets. These products are not analogous to the oil supplements that are recommended as food supplements to make a pet's coat shiny; instead; these are true anti-inflammatory drugs capable of relieving joint pain, cramps, and itchy skin.

The supplement alone is helpful in 10% to 25% of itchy dogs; we often recommend its use in combination with antihistamines to boost the efficacy of the protocol described above.

Cyclosporine (Atopica)

Cyclosporine is an immune system modulating drug originally developed for use in organ transplant patients, but which is also useful in other immune-mediated diseases. Since allergy is an immune-mediated condition, cyclosporine was investigated as an alternative to corticosteroids and found effective for most patients. Currently this medication is being marketed only for dogs and one dog in three will develop an upset stomach when starting the drug (though this resolves or is manageable with dose modification).

Topicals to Try

When using any dip on inflamed skin one should be aware that the use of cool water is considered much more soothing than warm water.

Colloidal Oatmeal Shampoos and Creme Rinse - At first, these products were only available for human use, as powdered soaks to pour into bath water.

Once their value in itch management was determined, their use quickly spread to the veterinary field. Colloidal oatmeal actually pulls inflammatory toxins out of the skin, generally yielding 1 to 3 days of relief. The creme rinses are meant to yield longer acting relief. They are available plain or combined with local anesthetic formulas to soothe itch.

Lime Sulfur Dip - This product kills parasites, ringworm fungi, and bacteria.

It also dries moist, weeping skin lesions and helps dissolve surface skin proteins that are involved in itchiness. Many veterinary dermatologists recommend it regularly to control itch; however, it has several disadvantages. It smells terrible. The sulfur ingredient smells like rotten eggs and this is how your bathroom or bathing area will smell during the pet's bath. This dip can stain jewelry and clothing and will temporarily turn white fur yellow.

Other Shampoos
Itchy skin can be the result of skin infection, excess oil accumulation, yeast infection, even parasitic infection. The list goes on. The shampoo products listed above can be used against any itchy skin disease but it should be noted that there are many other shampoo and creme rinse products that can be used against the specific skin diseases listed. If some other type of shampoo product has been prescribed to you for an itchy skin disease, it is important that you use it allowing at least a good 10 minutes of skin contact time before rinsing.


Other Topical Products

Colloidal Oatmeal Sprays and Lotions - Same principle as above. These products pull inflammatory toxins out of the skin. Oatmeal products have become very popular and are available as shampoos, creme rinses, soaks, sprays, and lotions.

Humilac Spray - This moisturizer may be applied as a spray or mixed in water as a dip. It is helpful for dry skin but can also be used in combination with lime sulfur as lime sulfur is naturally drying to the skin.

Witch Hazel - This product has a cooling effect on the skin that is soothing for both animals and for people with sun burn. It is available as a spray or lotion.

Aloe Vera Gel - If possible, obtain 100% aloe vera gel from a health food store. Products containing aloe are much more available but are generally not as effective and not meant to be licked away by a pet. Aloe vera gel comes from the aloe vera succulent and contains enzymes which break down inflammatory proteins and enhance healing. Pure aloe vera gel is not harmful for pets who want to lick it off.

Topical Steroids? - It seems clear that taking steroids orally may be harmful to the body with chronic use but are topical cremes safe for long term use? We now know that topical steroids (cortisone cremes and related products) are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream but the hormonal side effects with topical use do seem blunted. For small irritated areas (hot spots), topicals can provide excellent relief without the systemic effects of hormones.

Respect the Steroid

Severe itching amounts to a reduction in life quality. It is important not to develop the mindset that corticosteroids should be avoided at all costs. This would not be fair to the itching pet. Steroids are valuable tools in the relief of pain and suffering and have an important place the therapy of the itchy pet. The goal is not to avoid steroid use if possible but to avoid long term dependence on steroids if possible. Despite all of the above management tricks, some pets will still require long term steroid use to achieve any reasonable comfort. There are monitoring protocols in place for such cases. It should also not be forgotten that underlying allergies and recurring skin infections can be addressed specifically and that as these conditions are managed, the itch is also managed.

Steroid hormones have many side effects and, as helpful as they are for allergic skin diseases, it is best to reserve them for only the most itchy episodes.

It is our policy not to give dosing information over the Internet.

So I hope you guys are enjoying the beautiful green scenery that this season's monsoons have afforded us. Allergies are difficult but manageable.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Good news for puppies and wolves!

Missouri legislation aims to banish backyard breeding operations.

We may just let the wolves stick around because why not?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Scorpions-friend or foe?

Scorpion Envomenation

Disease description:
Scorpion venom toxicosis in the U.S. is due to the sting of Centruroides spp. which usually does not cause a medically significant problem 1 except for an allergic type of reaction. In other parts of the world, especially tropical and subtropical countries, some scorpion species (example: Tityus) can result in death especially in sensitive individuals. 2-4

Scorpions are arachnids with a long, slender body and a five-segmented tail that can be arched over the back. The tail ends in a bulb-like poison gland or stinger. Scorpions are found in many types of habitats in the U.S: desert flats, sand dunes, desert and mesic mountains, grasslands, pine forests, deciduous forests, and chaparral. They prefer moist cool hiding places and tend to hide during the day and become active at night. Centruroides sculpturatus is about 4 cm long with yellowish coloration, slender pincers, and a tubercle at the base of its stinger.


Worldwide, scorpions range in size from 0.5 inch to 7.25 inches long (including the tail) depending on the species. Of 1,500 species of scorpions worldwide, only about 20 to 25 are regarded as dangerous. Scorpion venom contains protein neurotoxins that activate sodium channels depolarizing the presynaptic terminals causing excitatory neurotoxicity. Stings from dangerous species may cause disorientation, hypertension, paralysis, severe convulsions. Tachyarrhythmias and respiratory and cardiac failure can result in death. Parasympathetic signs could include hyperlacrimation, urination, defecation, and hypersalivation. Sympathetic signs could include skeletal muscle fasciculations, restlessness, hypermotility, and contortions.


Although Centruroides spp. can cause serious systemic signs (hypertension and CNS signs), most stings only cause local signs similar to that of a wasp sting: pain at sting site, hyperesthesia, itching, and local swelling. However, reaction to the bite may vary based on sensitivity of the individual.

Diagnosis is based on seeing a scorpion sting the patient and identifying the scorpion.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Winterize safely!

As I sit here monitoring an antifreeze toxicity case overnight, I can't help wondering why they keep making something so dangerous so delicious?

It appears that Propylene glycol is equally effective but far less deadly.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Iams Feline Renal Diet Recall


Both cats and owners can become infected with Salmonella just by handling this food. Consumer beware!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Beware of Skunks

If your furry friend happens upon a skunk, fear not, all you need is a little peroxide, baking soda, and dishsoap. Here is the recipe.


There is no cure for the smell of burning tires BUT this will help (so I'm told). Memories of the the stinky evening may flood your mind every time you give Fido a bath for the next year or so.